
Decorating a Modern Office: Floors Designed for Business

Creating environments that reflect one’s unique and sophisticated personal taste is a goal that extends beyond the home, to professional spaces as well.

Creating environments that reflect one’s unique and sophisticated personal taste is a goal that extends beyond the home, to professional spaces as well. Here’s how porcelain stoneware flooring, cladding, and décor can create solutions that are both professional and visually striking.

It’s widely accepted that the domestic environment should be a place where our aesthetic preferences and personal interests reign supreme. A home that reflects our tastes improves our mood as soon as we step over the threshold, especially after a hectic day out, rushing between work and social engagements.

It’s only natural, therefore, to apply this same principle to offices and commercial spaces, where we spend a significant part of our daily lives. In recent years, the concept of wellness has also extended to the workplace, shining a light on how important it is to carefully consider how an office is furnished.

The spaces in which we work must help us make efficient use of our time, putting us at ease and inspiring our activities. At the same time, the surfaces chosen for public environments must withstand intensive use while meeting comfort requirements and standards of cleanliness and maintenance.

That’s why porcelain stoneware stands out as a top choice for floors in a modern office, proving to be a versatile and cost-effective choice from every perspective. Let’s find out exactly how.

The Advantages of Stoneware for Office Floors

After years of forced lockdowns, people are returning to offices and business settings, but with a significant difference: more and more frequently there is an emphasis on creating a truly welcoming space for both employees and clients.

With telecommuting becoming more prevalent, the needs of employees have changed, even after returning to the office. Impersonal and neglected environments are no longer acceptable. Instead, there’s a desire for spaces that make everyone feel at ease, similar to the atmosphere of an actual home.

Working in a welcoming environment increases employee satisfaction and productivity and contributes to maintaining a healthy work-life balance.  Since the pandemic, more and more employees and companies have become aware of this.

That’s why, among the solutions for a modern office, stoneware is a game-changer, enhancing the welcoming feel of an environment without radically altering it.

Thanks to its numerous technical qualities, porcelain stoneware offers highly innovative and functional solutions that provide.

  • Maximum resistance to wear, foot traffic, impact, and heavy loads, all essential qualities for the flooring of a modern office.
  • Durability, even in high-traffic environments like heavily frequented public spaces.
  • Guaranteed high standards of hygiene. Stoneware surfaces are impermeable to water and other liquids, do not absorb stains, and are resistant to chemicals. Furthermore, they are very quick and easy to clean, ensuring maximum hygiene.
  • Fireproof: porcelain stoneware does not burn or emit smoke in case of fire, making it safe even in emergency situations.
  • Extreme versatility of applications, making it possible to adapt formats, sizes, and thicknesses to meet specific needs.

All this makes stoneware flooring and décor the ideal choice for the office, combining aesthetics and functionality in the workplace.

Walking in the Future: Floating Floors for the Office

In addition to all of the technological advantages porcelain stoneware offers as a material, it’s worth nothing that this option can be further enhanced through innovative applications.  We are talking about raised floors for offices, an increasingly popular solution for restyling work environments.

Made up of modular elements suspended on a supportive structure, these floors are perfect for open spaces and environments that require reorganisation. Installing a floating floor in an office makes it possible to save on masonry costs and is exceptionally practical. All cables and underlying infrastructures remain easily accessible, allowing for maintenance and repairs without the need for demolition.

The flexibility and ease of restyling are further enhanced by the wide range of aesthetic options that porcelain stoneware offers, faithfully reproducing the appearance of various natural materials.

Take, for instance, the cement-look floors of the Concrete Jungle collection, inspired by modern cities, industrial spaces, and majestic modern architecture. These porcelain stoneware slabs come in the colours typical of cement, featuring two attractive finishes with a contemporary look and design.

Design Ideas for a Modern Office: the Most Popular Trends

In addition to focusing on the unique technical aspects of the chosen material, the aesthetic potential of the flooring and décor of an office must also be considered. In this context, finding a material that offers a wide range of finishes, colours, and formats is fundamental. This aspect is the key to creating professional and modern spaces, as well as differentiating the various zones within the work environment: reception area, offices, meeting rooms, recreational areas, and also bathrooms.

Leveraging the versatility of stoneware, it’s possible to create different atmospheres depending on the desired effect.

For formal environments, which must convey seriousness, reliability, and professionalism, marble-look porcelain stoneware is undoubtedly the best choice. Elegant and subtle, marble-look surfaces exude competence, responsibility, and sophistication.

If, on the other hand, you’re designing a youthful and creative environment, opt for vibrant and textured stoneware.

For those seeking a warm aesthetic, wood-look stoneware offers a solution that’s more versatile, comfortable, and durable than actual wood, evoking a homey atmosphere. On the other hand, if the goal is a minimalist environment, cement-look porcelain stoneware serves as the perfect cool base for an office space.

Though less commonly used for the flooring of corporate environments, stone-look porcelain stoneware can be a very attractive choice, especially in elegantly modern contexts.

It is, moreover, the most reliable option for maintaining the material’s integrity over time. Natural stone would, in fact, get worn down by the daily activities that take place in an office.

Don’t be intimidated by the austere, natural appearance of this material, because with the right nuances every solution can lend character and strength to the environment, without making it feel overly formal. An example of this is Advantage, which combines various textures derived from natural stone into a single sophisticated composition. The typical texture of slate merges with sharper marble veining and granular inclusions characteristic of limestone.

Soluzioni custom-made di pavimenti e arredo per ufficio moderno

La versatilità del grès porcellanato e l'attenzione ai dettagli di Blustyle permettono di realizzare progetti tailor-made che valorizzano al massimo gli spazi di lavoro.

Tra le proposte più innovative spiccano i grandi tavoli per sale riunioni, realizzati con superfici ceramiche, spesso di grande formato. Questi tavoli rappresentano spesso la key feature per creare ambienti distintivi per la loro forte identità. I tavoli da riunione in grès porcellanato sono progettati per integrarsi perfettamente in qualsiasi ambiente lavorativo, grazie alla possibilità di personalizzazione delle dimensioni, delle forme e delle finiture.

Ad esempio, le superfici dei tavoli possono essere realizzate in vari colori e texture, dalla finitura lucida e moderna a quella opaca e naturale.

Furthermore, porcelain stoneware meeting-room tables are highly functional. The material’s resistance to impact, scratches, and stains ensures its durability over time, also in contexts that are intensely used, like corporate meeting rooms. This durability pairs with easy maintenance, as stoneware’s non-porous surface prevents the absorption of liquids and simplifies cleaning.

Finally, Blustyle also offers other stoneware furniture solutions, like desks, worktops, and decorative panels, which can be coordinated with floors to create a cohesive environment. For example, opting for Blutech’s full-body colouring, it’s possible to establish an extremely consistent and refined aesthetic. In this case the surface and the inside of the tile have the same shade, ensuring a uniform and compact colour palette, enhanced by subtle tone on tone variations.

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